Works Carried

Pruning and felling of pines and palm trees in the province of Valencia.

Palmera sin podar Palmera después de podar

Phoenix Canariensis antes y después de podar

Palmera antes de podar Palmera después de la poda

Phoenix Canariensis antes y después de podar

Pruning and felling of pines and palms:

  • Maximum security.
  • Trained professionals.
  • Approved materials.
  • Management of permits and licenses for pruning and felling.
  • Collection and handling of remains derived from pruning, felling or clearing.


How to cut down a pine tree with the help of the car without having access

Scrap collection

Felling an Alepensis pine

Pruning and brushing Whashingtonia robusta palm trees

Pruning, climbing technique

Palm tree cleaning

Finished the work of pruning 10 Washingtonias palm trees

Safety, speed and quality at the best price

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